Happy 2019 friends! I think 2018 was the fastest year of my life so far. I totally feel like I just got use to writing and saying 2018 and now its already over. Just like snap your fingers and zap it’s gone!
Overall though, it was such a good year in my business and family life. This new year might even be better as we have another grand baby coming beginning March. We don’t know if its a boy or girl so it is extra exciting!
How many of you find after the holidays as you put your Christmas decor away you feel the need to clean and redecorate? That was totally me this past week. Once I had the Christmas decor packed away and I brought my other stuff back out I totally felt the need to shake things up. So in my kitchen and living room I changed up the decor by just switching things around. That way it was a FREE makeover by using everything I already had or new things gifted to me. (I will share more in another post)
I also started cleaning out closets and just purging and organizing. What is it with a new year that makes us do that? I guess I just feel a new year gives us new beginnings, new opportunities and fresh starts. I also think it is the time to start with new hopes and dreams, right?!
Loving my new planner!
Each year I am also excited to start fresh with a clean new planner. This year my daughter gave me this Erin Condren one for Christmas and I seriously LOVE IT!

I am a digital calendar user on my iphone that is shared with my hubs on our everyday home stuff. But for work I find a paper planner keeps me on track and more organized with my weekly goals and tasks.
I think many planners have such great inspirational quotes in them and this one does too. I love reading them! Here are a few.

Are these fantastic or what?! Thinking ahead I love at the end of the year you can totally tear those pages out and cut those quotes to a 5×7 or 4 x 6 and frame them to set around your home.

Reflecting on 2018
As I reflect on 2018 I honestly could not be more thankful for how much my business has grown. The addition of adding this blog in 2018 has also brought in new followers and for that I am so very thankful. I have enjoyed sharing my DIY projects with you as well as opening up my home to share tips and tricks for decorating on a budget.
My most liked and most comments received in email or in messenger was the post where I took you along on the makeover of our kitchen and you can see that here. Second was our bedroom makeover and that post can be seen here.
Those were two of our bigger projects in 2018 and I was happy to share them with you and even happier you enjoyed them. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kind comments.
Now whats in store for 2019 you ask….oooh just follow along and you will see!
Just One Word
For all of my long time followers you know I am not one to make New Year resolutions. I mean, how many of us have actually kept our resolution throughout the entire year? Some resolutions end up forgotten or it becomes old and we give up, right?! Have you made a resolution that you stuck to or forgotten about?
Instead of a resolution I do the one word challenge each year. Picking one word that encompasses how I want to approach the New Year. To keep on track with my one word I always paint it on a small sign and I display it in my office at my desk so each day it is there in front of me. See them below on each side of my monitor.

In 2017 my word was “trust” and in 2018 my word was “enough”. I loved both of them and still follow them each day.

It has been a yearly tradition that I do a drawing for a number of my followers to have an opportunity to win a painted sign with your one word for the year. I always do this in my facebook group but this year I want to do it right here on the blog.
A couple reasons. I am trying to encourage all of my Facebook followers to follow me here on my website. I feel this is the place that will always be here and the place where we can connect better. Facebook is so hit and miss if you see my posts but my blog you get an email each time I have a new blog post.
But please know I will continue to post on facebook but my blog you will learn more about me and my tips and tricks I share with decorating on a budget. I also bring you along on my own home DIY projects that I am hoping will be inspiring.
Here are the ones I created for the winners in 2018!

Picking your One Word
So how do you go about selecting your word for the year?
Brainstorm what you’d like this new year to be about. Not specific goals, but feelings, general concepts and ideas. Then gather a list of words that could represent the first list and really resonates with you. Maybe notice what words show up in your daily life. Do you keep getting similar messages or do you see the same word pop up frequently? Maybe that’s your word!
In the past I learned finding your word can be a powerful experience. When I’ve found mine, it was very clear to me as I would get excited about it and I just felt a sense of “yes, that’s it”! So pay attention to your emotions and thoughts when you do this. I mean if you start jumping up and down from excitement then you know that’s your word! lol okay maybe don’t go that far!
Don’t pick your word quickly or randomly. Think it over for a while and maybe pray about it and ask God to give you clear direction on your word for the year and then ask Him for strength to stay true to your word.
Whatever your word – it is something personal that you select based on this season of your life.
What do you think? Do you think picking a word for the year might help motivate you? Or do you have a word that you want to strive for this year? Lastly, do you need some suggestions on just one word?
Here is a list of some suggestions that might help you get started.

My 2019 One Word is…..

Yup it is FOCUS and I really am excited about it. I chose this word for many reasons:
~FOCUS on ME for once. I have neglected myself for far to long and I need to keep focus on ME. Starting off with getting more sleep, lol. But also focus on making time for ME.
~FOCUS on family and friends. I seem to often put my business ahead of everything. Don’t get me wrong it is for sure important and a priority but I need to spend time focusing on what is critical and managing my time better in the moment.
~FOCUS on streamlining and simplifying my business, and my commitments. This will be by far the biggest challenge this year. I feel I need to keep better focus on time management. I am the queen of multi tasking and I really need to focus on one thing before moving to the next.
~FOCUS on inspiring others. I love helping others achieve their goals and dreams. Continuing with the blog continues to be high on my list because I am finding it is giving decorating inspiration to so many who want to make their home a place they absolutely love.
~FOCUS on creating new ideas I have floating around in my head for my business.
~FOCUS on my home. Creating a calm and more organized space for me and hubs. Clearing out the clutter and simplifying our space. Our office adjacent to the kitchen is the first place I will be starting very soon. I am excited for the change and sharing with you all.
Lastly, but first and foremost I will always keep FOCUS on God who has blessed me with this amazing life that I have. I will continue to start my days with scripture and focus on everything else after that! He remains my #1 focus!

Rules to enter the giveaway
So who wants to have your word for 2019 painted on wood? The size will be 6-1/2 x 5-1/2 in the color shown in my photos above which is a dark wash with white lettering and that font. You need to do just 2 things to enter. This giveaway will run from now until January 9, 2019 ending at 8pm central time.
A total of TEN, yes 10 winners will be drawn. You will be responsible for pickup of your sign in Menomonee Falls, WI or it can be shipped at your expense for $3.
#1 Comment below under the comments section. Just post a comment of any kind. It can be as simple as your word or anything you would like to share. (Your email address will not be published nor shared but I do need that to contact you if you win)
#2 Subscribe to my newsletter at this link here. I currently send out 3-5 emails a month. They are sent each time I have a new blog post ready for you to read so you never miss a post. Yes, you can unsubscribe at any time. For those of you that are already subscribed you DO NOT need to sign up again. I will be pulling names from the comments and will then check to make sure you are subscribed.
That is it! Remember you must do both in order to make your entry count. Please know comments on facebook will not be accepted as an entry for this giveaway. The comment must be on this post.
UPDATE on January 9,th, 2019, 8pm central Giveaway is now closed!
Good luck to everyone. I am almost done getting the blank boards all ready so when the drawing is complete I can start painting your one word for the year!
Thanks so much everyone for stopping by the blog today and thank you for all the new followers. I honestly appreciate each and everyone of you!

Julie…thankful is such a great word to keep us on track to be thankful for everything, right!
Crazy but my word for 2019 is also Focus!
Oh wonderful Bonnie….I think it will be a great one!
My word of the year is Survivor.
Already a cancer survivor and having some health issues already this year. Praying it’s not cancer again. Oxox
Oh Melissa, I will pray for you and I think Survivor is fantastic!
2019….. My word is JOY (it’s not just for Christmas!)
You bet it is not only for Christmas, Alicia…I find so much Joy in everything and I hope the new year brings you a ton of Joy as well!
Yes, I love this one too, Julie!
Vision. We are hoping to move this year and it can be scary but exciting. I need to stay focused on my vision. I even made my first vision board yesterday, what a great way to start the new year.
Oh yes Robin, that is so exciting and a perfect word for you this year!
Hi Tammy, Happy New Year! My word is MIRACLES. Believe in Miracles.
Hello Sue, thank you and Happy New Year to you! Miracles is wonderful and they do happen everyday!
Yes….Believe is a perfect one, Angela!
My word is “present” be present is all heat I do, be it in my home, my job, with my kids or my grandbabies always be present!
Oh I love this Lisa and yes it is a perfect word!
My word is Goal.
Each person in our family has one – my son to quaify BMX Worlds (in belgium) – my daughter to Irish Dance at Irish Fest – my husband to complete a mini triathlon- and myself to get back into shape. Some goals are harder than others but we will all support each other no matter the outcome.
Oh my goodness Meghan it sounds like a fantastic word for your family and I wish them all the best in reaching their goals. I also love your support for each other in the family. That is so very important and hats off to you for being such a great mom!
Happy New Year Tammy. My word for the new year is Healed. My health is improving, my migraines are feeling like they are manageable, my family is healing from the death of our mother. I was broken and by the grace of God and prayer I am on my way to being healed!!
Oh Barbara, this is FANTASTIC. I am so happy to hear things continue to be so well for you. Happy New Year to you as well and I wish you so much joy and good health in the New Year!
My word will be Today.It has many meanings!
You bet it does Jackie and its a great word!
Love is such a simple word but so powerful! Great choice Angie!
My word for 2019 is Pray.. I need to do this more often!
I love this Kelly. Another fabulous word and so powerful!
Grateful… it’s been something I’ve been thinking of as I had some losses this past year and instead if being sad I need to focus how how grateful I was to have them in my life. Also it’s so easy to forget in a daily basis all that we truly have and to be grateful ❤️
Oh Sandy, I am so sorry for your losses and I agree 100% how easy it is to forget when you go through trials. I have a sign already with that word and it surely is a great reminder that everyday we need to just be grateful for all that we are blessed with.
Promise – to take time for myself
Promise- to make time for Family and friends
Promise to keep my Promise
My promise list is endless
Love this word
I love this Kim. Promise for sure has so many meanings!
Forward…as a reminder to keep moving and looking forward.
Love this Heidi. Fully agree forward is so powerful!
My word is “begin” because I’m a master at procrastination 😳
lol well it sounds like begin would be perfect for you then. I think we all have some procrastination in us at times. But Begin is a great word to focus on this year!
I love this one as well Pam.
This year, as a family, we are focusing on our physical health, financial health, and spiritual health.
Oh thats fantastic Karissa. It really is a powerful word and so great it involves your whole family.
My word is Simplify
Something I will definitely be trying to do in 2019…..
I almost picked that one Patty. I love it too!
Laugh…..I want to try not to be so serious about everything. Enjoy your life, live it, have fun and laugh!!
Oh this is so fantastic and you nailed it girl. We only get one chance at this life so for sure we all need to laugh more often and enjoy every minute of it!
Yes, Laura, believe is beautiful and has so many meanings!
LIVE is my word. We’ve lost too many family and friends who were just hitting their prime / stride and who we know wish they would have “lived” a little harder. Work will always wait for us!
Love this Holly and you are right we really need to “live” more! Thank you for that reminder!
Be…just reminding myself to be in the moment and stop thinking ahead or what else or what has happened
Perfect word Kate. You are so correct “be” really has so many meanings to all of us.
Great word for sure Deanne!
OOOHHHH yes, fantastic word. I for sure need this as well!
Love this! such a simple word but really is so powerful with many meanings!
love your word Mina.
I love your planner!!
Thank you Becca I am really excited about it. I never had an Erin Condren one and it is so nice!
I love your work and your posts are such an inspiration! The word I’d choose is PRESENT!
awwww thank you so much Stephanie you are so kind. OOOHHHH PRESENT is fantastic, I did toss that one around too!
I am so grateful for my family, health and the growth of my own business.
Love Grateful, Jessica and I am so grateful for you!
Breathe is my word this year. With 2 little ones at home sometimes I forget to do that 😉
Oh yes for sure Tina that is a great word. I think we all need to just breathe at times because life can just be stressful at times in general!
Grace. Finding a way to have grace when and where it is needed. Difficult relationships, people and situations. Trusting that I will see the way to giving grace when I feel otherwise as I want to focus on the positive and a my blessings.
I love that word too Coleen. Grace is so powerful and not always easy to give nor receive.
Inspired – I recently announced my retirement coming in late spring which has left me feeling inspired … to finally have the time to garden, organize, craft, relax, purge, time for me, and the list continues for what will come!
OOOHHHH retiring….what an awesome feeling I am sure. Yes inspired is perfect for you. Be sure to message me with your name and email address to make your entry count so I know who to contact if you are picked.
Accelerate. I want to push myself to the next level in everything I do whether that means giving more of myself to others in serving or in showing kindness.
Oh that’s a wonderful word. I wish you the best in the New Year!
`THANKFUL` is my favorite word!
Helen, that is for sure a word we all can live by daily to remind us to be thankful for every little thing!
One of my favorites for sure Wendy!
There are so many good words to choose from .. ahh… but I think this year I’m going to choose the word ”Mindful” I need to be more mindful and present and just breathe!
You are right Sharon there are so many great words and it’s hard to decide. Mindful is fantastic. If you win I will be contacting you before I paint the word so you can keep thinking about it for certainty.
Persevere is a great one for the whole family.
oh yes Mary, for sure I agree!
I love this one too Nancy, because we all need that in our lives for sure!
Yes Relax is a great one Angela. I think our daily hustle and bustle needs to remember to relax!
oh Pam I love that word…it can have so many meanings.
Oh Laura, that’s another great word!
Simplicity … may be too long for a sign, but I,m going with it!
Oh no its not to long and I love the word. But I will need your name and email or minimum email address to contact you if you win.
Smile. Sounds silly but I need to smile more. A smile sets the tone for the day. At least for me. 😊
Jamie it’s not silly at all and I think it’s a fantastic word. I just made a bigger sign that reads “always smile” and it is in the shop drying. So it’s a fantastic word!
My word is Enough
Oh I loved that word last year. It reminds you enough is enough of so many things.
My word for 2019 is patience.
oh girl I love that word. We certainly need patience in every aspect of life, right?!
My 2019 word is Trust
Oh yes Christi I love that word and have kept it up for many years now!
My word is persistence.
Oh yes that is really a powerful word because persistence gets you so far!
My word is patience
That has been a popular one too. We all need patience for sure.
That’s my family’s word of the year!
My oldest daughters goal is to graduate high school early and she’ll be finished in 2 weeks…goal achieved!
My youngest daughters goal was to be cast in her 7th musical this winter…goal achieved!
We’re working on saving money for a big family vacation in December. It’s a big goal of ours and we’re going to do all we can to stay motivated to make it happen .
Oh I love this Michele. Hats off to your daughter for graduating early! So happy your younger daughter reached her goal as well. I hope your family reaches that vacation goal, it would be a great time together! Good luck!
great word Linda, we all need that in our life!
Create. To create the life you want to live .
Yes Stephanie that is a fantastic word!
Oh Becky I love that one too! It always a great feeling to inspire others!
Disqualify me if you need to but I had already chosen 3 words for this year before even reading your post. 😉
Boundaries, to remind myself that I don’t have to be everything for everyone. I don’t need to sacrifice my happiness for other people. It’s OK to say no.
Balance, to make an effort to find balance in life, rather than being an all-or-nothing person with everything I do. That’s just exhausting.
And finally, Beauty. It’s a good reminder to not only look for the beauty in people and things around me, but also to bring beauty to other people with my art, landscaping, photography, or acts of generosity and kindness.
P.S. If I had to pick one though, I’d go with balance. 😉
Oh gosh Mary these are all fantastic and I could not agree more on all of them. I, too need them all! lol If you are a winner you certainly can pick which ever one you want.
Hope you do words from another language… My word is “agape” (self-sacrificing love)…. shown by the Lord and loved ones to me, and something I want to focus on showing in 2019 and beyond.
You bet I will Kris and it is beautiful! Thank you for teaching me something today!
I love that word Cindi, it was my word for the year in 2017 and I even had a bracelet made with the word.
My word this year is Possible! Anything is possible through God!
Mary, that is a fantastic word and I agree 100%!
Love this one Emily. We all need that one for sure!
My word would be Unwind. I need to learn to take time for myself in my busy day of work and family. If I don’t take care of myself than I am no good to anyone else.
Oh exactly Erin. It always starts with yourself!
Not sure on this one yet, will have to pray about it 🙂
Fully agree Valerie, its not easy coming up with one word that quickly and thats exactly what I did last December already.
Yes, I love this and Kelli. I just finished a new sign with a simple quote involving Pray. Will share on facebook very soon.
My word for this year is Courage. I have been through so much the last few years and have to remind myself to find the “COURAGE” to move forward. Thank you for the opportunity to display one of your beauties 🙂
Oh yes Maria, that is a fantastic word and I am thrilled to be doing this giveaway!
My 2019 word is SIMPLIFY! Simplify my mind, my home, my obligations, everything. Ready to purge and live a simpler life all the way around. It will allow me more energy to focus on what matters: my family ❤️
Oh yes I love this and could not agree more, Annie!
Oh Heather I love this one word!
My word for this year is “rise”. So many references here, just a good word to remind me to stay true to myself, rise above the negativity, rise to the occasion, rise and shine 😉 All good things in 2019!
YES Tricia, I love this and 100% agree….GREAT WORD!
I love this one Jodi…has so many meanings!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Thank you again so much for our beautiful wedding sign… I will have to send you our video to check it out !
I think a word going into the new year is going to be Grace.
Hey Lindsey I did have a wonderful Christmas and I hope you did too as a newly married woman! 🙂 I would love to see the link to your video. It was truly my honor to do your wedding sign. Grace is fabulous and if you win I will contact you first before painting a word so it can always be changed.
I consider myself and everyone with MS warriors.
Oh Stacy, I love that. I am sorry you have that disease but you are right my mother in law also had it and was totally a warrior!
I have way too many words floating around in my head for me to choose just one quite yet! But I just had to comment because this is such a beautiful tradition and something I feel like I need to start myself! So inspirational! ♥️
Oh Shanna I appreciate you playing along and you are correct it takes time to pick a word. It always takes me a good month, lol. So you take your time and if you are picked I will be contacting you in email and you can then give me your word at that time.
2017 = Focus
2018 = Hope
2019 = Strive
Hi Kim, strive is fabulous and I see you already had my word Focus in 2017 and I hope it worked out well for you! I am excited about it!
No matter what God gives you to handle.
You got that right Phyllis. Such a great word!
Looking forward to the new year. My word is
You and me both Nancy. Your word is perfect and has so many meanings!
My word is Bold. Bold self love, Bold self care, Bold self discipline.
Love that Sarah….great word and meanings!
Yes! love that one word Katy.
Inspire…..so many directions I want to go with the word inspire this year!
Oh yes I agree Michelle…inspire can certainly have many directions and meanings!
I have been struggling a lot over the past year. I was visiting my Grandma’s grave over Christmas, talking to her for guidance and strength. I felt a warm breeze and heard the wind say FAITH. She always would tell me to have Faith in myself, Faith in my family and most importantly Faith in God. Since that day my struggles seem to have minimized.
Oh my goodness Karen, this just gave me chills. What a fabulous story and I am so glad your struggles are somewhat minimized and fully agree….just keep the faith. Just like the sign I created last year for faith and it said ” if He takes you to it He will get you through it.” So my dear just keep the faith!
My word for the year is Love. Love more, love fully, love deeply.
YES LOVE is so powerful Amanda, in everything!
My word for 2019 is Learn 🙂
That is a great word Kate as we all hope to learn something new every day, right!
Love this! Such inspiration!!
Thank you Sarah it really is so inspirational reading everyone’s words, goals and dreams.
Great word Heather as life can certainly go so fast and challenge us and we do need to remember to just breath.
Faith! Faith in God’s plan and all is just as it has intended to be!
EXACTLY….love that word too Jacki!
stillness ~
a quiet mind
Love that word Naomi! I certainly need that in my life. So hard to quiet my mind!
OOOhhh that is great too!
My word for 2019 is Accept. Accept that I can’t change everything and do everything.
Oh Maria this is a great word and I totally had that on my list.
Forever ❤️
Oh yes….great word Carly!
My word is breathe. I need that constant reminder to just take a step back and take a deep breath
Yes….I love this word Allie!
Love this idea!!
Thank you Amy I have enjoyed it year after year.
OOOOhhh thats a good one too Michele.
YES….I did many signs with that in the past! Love it!
With faith you have hope, courage, strength,peace and love ❤️
You bet Jill, Faith gives us everything!
Strength to believe in myself
Strength to physically do it
Strength to be happy
Strength is my word
Thank you for doing this and get me thinking.
You bet Chrystal it is all my pleasure and I love your word. I had that one in 2016!
This is Inspiring! Thank you! I feel empowered by this idea. I love the word enough! But If I really
Give it a lot of thought I’d choose differently.
I love how a smile Impacts myself and those around me. I lost my smile a little last year and need to come back to smiling so much more. Just reading or saying the word makes me smile. I’m ready to smile so much more! Make my family smile and those I come in contact with.
Thanks for the inspiration. I can defiantly see why needing the word placed in front of you makes a
Huge difference!!!
Oh Brittany I love this. It really is all my pleasure for doing this. Smile is HUGE and you are correct it impacts your entire day. Starting off with a smile and being grateful for waking up that day should be enough to keep that smile throughout the day. Honestly a smile is the best thing you can also give to someone else! right?!
Everything is this world is so complicated and everyone gets so wrapped up in “things” rather than experiences and just being in the moment! I have started already and continue to get rid of “stuff” and “things” that takes up space and pointless time to me and my family!
I love this Lynze. I have to agree with your comments. I really try and purge and get rid of stuff I have not looked at in the previous year. I end up getting rid of alot because my creative gene in me just creates more so I am always passing it on after a short while just so I dont get to much clutter. But I love simplify because often less is more!
My 2029 word is Metanoia meaning:
“change in one’s way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion”
I would absolutely love this on a sign from you it would be a special reminder every day!
Oh Maggie, that is beautiful. Thank you for teaching me something new today!
YES…love this Melissa!
What a special
Thank you Liz!
I love seeing all these great ideas I would not have thought of…..that word is great!
Disciple… To remind me to show the world who I am through my actions and to be an encouragement to others
OOOHHH I love that. The world could certainly use more of them for sure!
Love it Sara…..a reminder of this is so much needed for everyone because often we seem to take to much for granted.
In 2019 I need to remember that I have many Angels watching over me and guiding me – including one very special Angel – my mom
I love this Angie and I am sorry for your loss of mom. Coming from someone who lost mine much to young but has been 18 years now she is still in my heart and mind daily. But you are right our angel moms are always there.
My word for the year is Strength. My husband and I will be continuing our journey to start a family. One thing I consistently need to remind myself is to be strong through the process!
Oh Kara this is wonderful and was my word in 2016. I love it for so many things. I pray your journey on starting a family goes well and for sure stay strong and accept what is meant to be will be!
Love it Michelle, we all need GRACE daily!
Such a simple word Apallonia but so powerful as we strive for so much in life.
oh yes Heidi, another great one. I need that often! 🙂
😁 I try to tell myself & kids to take a deep breath in & EXHALE 😁✌💖 sometimes it’s not that easy 😉
Oh yes its not always easy training kids but consistency is the key. So keep up the good work!
Confidence is the word that came to mind. I lack confidence in myself and it’s really pulling me down. My second would be Focus (I loved what you said about it too!)
Oh Michelle, I love that one too. It is so hard to build confidence in ourselves, right?! I am right there with you and have always struggled with it. But lets do it girl, this is our year! 🙂
which one…I think I’ll wait til I win!
I agree…it is very hard to pick in one day if you have not been thinking about it. But you are entered now either way. Good luck!
Forgive ❤️
Oh yes Mandy that is a great one. Sometimes its hard but we need to in order to have peace within our self.
I want to be fully present with my husband and kids, friends and family. Not worry about what needs to be done but be in each moment 🙂
I Love this Becky, I could totally benefit from that word as well.
I have so many that I am having a hard time choosing. But so far my leading word is “finish”. Too often I start things and daily life with a tribe of tiny humans takes over – so I don’t finish them. I am looking forward to 2019 being a year of finishing and accomplishing things, big or small 🙂
Oh Jeanette I love the word finish. It sure relates to so many tasks in any given day.
Determined!!! Love this idea. Each year you can reflect!!
Oh yes Holly I love determined too. I feel like I need that almost every day.
Tammy, I can’t decide. Been thinking for days. My words are Courage and Hero. My son just graduated from the LEO academy and just started his duty as a Police Officer. So proud of him. He is my hero.
Awww that is a great word and hats off to your Son. Congratulations to him and the best of luck in his new career path.
It’s so hard to pick just one word! But as I reflect and think of all the words I keep coming back to patience, present, and love. To have patience with my kids, my husband, others, and myself. To be present in everything I do. Don’t just be in the same room as my kids but actually be present! Focus on the present day and not what the future may hold. And to love all. Love on my kids and my husband. Love on strangers. Be a light in this dark world. God bless you and your family!
This is so beautiful Heather. I agree one word is just so hard. Thank you for God’s blessings and may He bless you and yours as well!
This is such an awesome idea!
I love the idea of having a power word for 2019! I’ve got my word!!
yay, I am so glad you have yours picked out. It certainly is never easy!
Great word Jenna…we all need that for sure!
Hi Tammy –
It’s so hard to pick just 1 word! But, I love the idea & enjoy getting inspiration from the other posts:)). Unfortunately I’ve only narrowed it down to 5 – Worthy, Trust, Stillness, Humble & Restore! Thx Tammy:).
Hi Gail, I totally understand it’s not easy. Those are all fantastic words. If your name is picked I will contact you in email so you still have time to think about them.
Great word Toni, it is such an inspirational word in so many aspects of life.
Because when life gets chaotic and the anxiety builds I have to remember to just breathe
I could not agree more Ashley. Breathe is a fantastic word!
Yes Katie such a great word!
I think laughter is a necessary part of everyday
Patty, fantastic word and you are correct we all need to laugh each day, just so good for the soul!
Focus or Promise….I just can’t decide. They both have great meaning.
Yes they are both great words but I will need an email at minimum if you are picked as a winner. You are welcome to re-enter.
Sorry, I missed entering that information.
No problem Nicole. I still put it in as an anonymous assuming someone would come to me with an email address, but it was not picked in the random number generator. The giveaway has now ended. Thanks for playing along.
I love this word Barb, it has so many meanings!
Great word Jane…we all need that in our everyday life!