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Howdy howdy friends! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and spent much time with family. Or did you work on projects and accomplished them all? Either way I hope it was great.

Let me start off by saying I received some sad and shocking news on Friday evening. One of my kindest, sweetest client passed away just two days before Christmas. This gal was one of my first customers back in 2014 and over the years she had me do such awesome projects for her. When she would pickup her orders we ended up sitting at the kitchen table and could chat for hours.

She too was very crafty and loved decorating. She spoke so highly of her father who always helped her and her hubby with many projects in their home. She would then send pictures and wow they always did an amazing job.

Sadly she was only 35 years old and passed away suddenly and very unexpectedly. God must have had a better plan for her and hopefully one day we understand it.

My heart was very heavy the whole weekend and could not stop thinking about her. She was married just 3 years and leaves behind her very dear husband whom I had the honor of meeting many times when he would tag along to pickup her orders. Her parents, step parents and so much family are trying to move on and I question how is that even possible, right?

I share this because it hit me really hard this weekend hearing this news and knowing my children are also in that age range. It really goes to show you tomorrow is never promised to anybody. I cannot emphasize enough we really need to live each day to the fullest and love your family as if there is no tomorrow. Don’t sweat the small stuff, appreciate and treasure each day you are blessed with. My heart pours out to her hubby and family. I pray God gives them the strength to carry on and heals their hearts.

Treasured Christmas Gifts

Now lets move onto something more cheerful, right! I bet many of you as well as myself received some wonderful presents at Christmas. Or maybe you decided not to share presents and save for something for the family like a vacation or a remodel in the house? Whatever it might be my children and hubby did give me some really nice things and I loved them all. But with any gifts you receive sometimes there is one or two that really stand out, right?

Well, hubs and I did get two that actually brought me to tears and I need to share. My grandson just turned 1 year old the day after Christmas and his mama, my crafty daughter, made me the best keepsake gift ever.

I mean is that the cutest or what?! Her and Ellis hand made from scratch that adorable reindeer with his foot. She said it was a challenge getting him to cooperate and not get paint all over so that visual just cracked me up! Not only did it take a bunch of time in her busy schedule but what a keepsake I will treasure forever.

Along with that Ellis gave me and hubs this photo album of his newborn photos. Honestly melted my heart.

I styled it on this shelf along side of my Nana’s brag book from when my granddaughter, Ava was a baby. I will treasure these books forever!

So all you new moms and dads out there, there is a great gift idea for the grandparents next Christmas from your little ones. If they are like me I feel like I won the lottery with those gifts. lol

Half Bath Makeover

Moving on… in the past 3 weeks I have had two people ask about things in my half bath that we redid last year. It made me realize I only posted it on facebook and not here on the blog. So I thought I would share it here so whenever someone wants to see it and reference something from it they can find it in the search menu. Added plus in years from now I will have it as well to know when we did something so double score with having a blog!

I apologize for some reason I cannot find any before photos as I write this post. So I will just share the afters.

First off lets start off by saying it was a quick and simple makeover. We started out by taking everything out and I painted it this softer soothing blue color. It is from Menards and is the Pittsburg paint line and the color is Bit of Heaven.

Just a tip on changing up your typical garbage can. I use this adorable metal olive tin. Isn’t that so much cuter than your basic garbage can! I think so!

Hubs put in the floor which is what we have in our kitchen and offices. This half bath is directly off of the kitchen on the right side of my buffet tucked in the corner.

We also replaced the vanity which I can honestly say even a year later I love, love love this vanity.

I love you can also clean under it and all the hinges and drawer at the bottom are slow close so that is such a change from what we had.

The faucet is from Amazon and I love it. Unfortunately, as I looked for the link it is only available from other sellers and are used. So here is one that is very similar. We also bought the drain from Amazon and that link is here. This vanity top came with the vanity and it had three holes at the top so I covered up the extra holes with this plate and that worked great!

We purchased the vanity from Lowes and here is the link for that. Of course I waited until it went on sale so it was just under $300 which was so worth it.

I made almost everything else such as the ladder towel holder and toilet paper holder. The toilet paper holder works out great for those of you that like to take your phone in the bathroom with you. The little shelf is so roomy and fits a phone perfectly.

The only thing we want to replace yet down the road is the toilet. I rather have white but for now the budget did not allow it. I think I will at least change the toilet seat cover to white since that hides dust better, right? ! lol

I also made this picture of the tree on the left. For my long time followers you already seen the placemat valances but for new followers you can read all about them here.

Beyond the Wood Placemat window treatment

So there ya go, friends. I hope it gave you inspiration and those of you doing bathroom projects this winter hopefully it gave some ideas.

We actually have two more bathrooms to update and the one off of my office is like really really dated and I seriously hate it. Hubs is not in any hurry to tackle that because its a big project and he wants to gut it completely and move the tub and toilet and plumbing all around so it would be a huge project. So he puts it off year after year after year. Biggest reason is because it never gets used by him so its out of sight out of mind! Me on the other hand would love it to be all done and cute since I see it everyday when I walk to my office. Oh well one day, right!

But on a positive note in the past two weeks he has gutted out a coat closet and making it into a pantry for me and it is looking amazing. I am so excited to share when its all done. It will be a huge transformation!

As always friends thank you for stopping by the blog today. I really appreciate you spending time with me and always appreciate any comments. Remember the one word sign giveaway ends in two days so be sure to enter here.

Enjoy the rest of your day…..hug your loved ones and treasure every moment with them!


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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Brittany

    Is that dried babies breath in the flower arrangements? Love it!

    1. Tammy

      Thank you Brittany. This post does not have any dried babies breath but I do have much of it in other rooms in my home. These plants in the bathroom are just green house plants and some are faux plants.

  2. Natalie

    Oh I love this half bath. I was looking for this post a few months back because I remembered you redid your bathroom recently and I wanted to get the same vanity. So thank you for sharing this. We are going to be doing this project in March and I hope it looks as nice as yours.

    1. Tammy

      Oh thank you Natalie…I am enjoying it for sure. Pretty simple and basic but I love it!

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