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Are you thinking of getting a swimming pool?

This summer is a sooooo bitter sweet for us. For about 28 years we have had a swimming pool. We started with a 4′ x12′ round when the kids were small and that was great for many years. That one was then replaced with a 24′ round and hubs built a beautiful deck around it.

That lasted for so long and one morning back in Aug 2012 we woke up and here the side busted out. We knew a section was getting rusty by one of the fittings but yikes never imagined that. The rush of the water pushed our stone around the pool all into the yard. We were very fortunate the force did not blow the gas heater away.

The pool was crushed and empty and our yard was very wet but it all soaked in the ground quickly. But sure was a mess with all them stones everywhere. I mean can you imagine 14,600 gallons of water just bursting out? So glad my little dog wasn’t in its path! yikes!

At that time the kids were all grown and gone so we were not sure if we should replace it or not. But decided we must because we knew someday we would have grandkids and how fun it would be for them.

So the following spring we purchased a brand new one which was taller but yet same diameter, 52″ x 24′ round. Here it is last summer. Unfortunately, each year the kids would come home less and less to swim. I mean you know they were adults by then and we cannot keep them little forever! 🙁

Seeing these photos sure puts a smile on my face and remembering the great times that pool gave us.

Man, the thought of getting rid of it was so difficult because it was such a big part of our yard and lives for so many years. It also gave us some really great memories. Also, while the kids were growing up our house would be the hang out each summer. Great way to keep tabs on my kids! lol

Last spring my middle daughter and her husband bought a new house with a pool. So needless to say her and her family would just stay home if they wanted to swim. My youngest daughter and her hubby would go there to hang out while my oldest daughter was just busy raising her babies.

At the end of August last year (2017) we decided we were going to try and sell it. My girls spread the word and low and behold a long time friend of the family which has been my daughters best friend since kindergarten bought it. Her and her hubby have two little girls and we are so thrilled to know it went to a great home and will be loved for many many more years. Here it is being taken down, boo who!

In the end just a big empty grassless sandpit. Hubs started taking the deck down weeks before the pool so not much of that was left either.

Tips on products we used

For those of you interested in products we used and recommend you can continue reading this section. Otherwise, you can skip over and move on!

Because this pool was a part of our lives for so long we certainly have experience on having a pool! Here I will share products we love and recommend and where you can buy them!

For many many years we used typical chlorine. We then moved onto a product called Baquacil CDX. Hands down we HIGHLY recommend Baquacil. The BAQUACIL CDX System is a simple, weekly, three-step, three-product, chlorine free system. Maintaining an oxidizer residual is key to keeping water clear all summer long. Our water with this product was always crystal clear!

Chlorine is a harsher chemical and not even easy to maintain the correct levels due to many factors. Sun always broke down chlorine so fast so we were always adding more. We tried automatic chlorinaters as well as floaters filled with chlorine and each time we hoped for positive results. That always did not happen. So it was very difficult to maintain proper levels. We did it but it was not easy.

With chlorine you also have to worry about sensitivity on skin, especially babies and children. Chlorine also, eventually, destroyed swim suits and pool toys so much faster. Overall, it was a much harsher chemical that you really needed to be careful with especially in the eyes.

Finally, with the new pool back in 2013 we decided to start it with Baquacil CDX. Yes, up front it is more expensive. But in the end I do believe there is way more benefits and is not more expensive because it lasts longer and is so much easier.

~No harsh chemical

~Easy 1 day a week application

~No odor or discoloring of hair or clothes

~Completely effortless and effective

~Lasts much longer than chlorine

Each Friday I would add the 3 chemicals with my measuring cup specifically used only for this purpose. Run the filter daily for a few hours and bam that is all until the next week. My water was crystal clear and perfect when tested. It was so easy to maintain and I knew it was safe for anyone swimming in it especially the little ones.

Best place to buy these products?

We have bought from for many things like the pool covers, floaters, chlorinator, and many misc pool supplies but the Baquicil CDX System we purchased from click here. They were always the best price we could find and we would buy enough for the entire season so about $300. Doing it that way was always cheaper buying in bulk and you never worried about running out. But I do know there are now other places as well online so be sure to shop around for the best price.

I will also mention we used a few different filters over the years and our favorite was a sand filter. So much easier to maintain. These you can buy anywhere as well.

Other costs with a pool?

I will not lie it was very expensive having a pool. You endured the electric bill increasing in the summer months from running the pump everyday. Also, we had a gas heater for the pool so when you ran that your gas bill would also go up.

Maintenance was a huge time expense. So if your time is limited do not get a pool! Cleaning it weekly was a must to keep airborne debris, leaves, bugs etc out of it.

You will also need a winter and possibly a summer cover if you don’t have a heater. The summer covers are solar covers and they really help warm the water but honestly are a pain to take off and on. We use to have it on a roller and that worked for many years. Then we went to no cover the past 5 years in the summer months. But always put the winter cover on when closing it up.

Then of course you will need a vacuum, hoses, nets, and a whole bunch of pool toys. 🙂

Opening the pool each spring took so much time and closing it in fall was a good days of work as well.

Lastly, your home owners insurance will go up a bit. You do need to make sure your insurance is aware when you have a pool so you have the correct coverage in the event of an accident. Also, each insurance is different. We did not need a gate at the bottom of our steps for almost 25 years. Then once we switched we needed a gate or they would not insure us. So everyone is different. So you will see in one photo there is no gate then another one there is a gate.

Pros with having a pool?

~Amazing memories with family and friends are created.

~If you have children keeping them home and off the streets was another pro.

~Having an added excitement to summer was a huge plus. The kids could never wait until the pool got open each year.

~Great exercise

~Very relaxing as well just floating around the pool

~Great way to cool off on the very hot days.

~Teaches children to swim that much better.

What next after the pool was down?

Well last fall when we helped our friends take it down it was to late in the season to do anything.  When spring came this is what we were up against. A big sandy pit in our yard.

We thought about many things on what we could do with it and the practical thing WON. Just plant seed and make it all grass.

So last week we had 20 yards of topsoil delivered and hubs went to work filling it all in this past Memorial Day weekend. Yeah, when it was high 80 and 90 degrees he was out there working his tail off.

Here we are today with a hay field, lol. He got all the topsoil spread and the grass seed planted and topped it off with the hay to keep it safe from wind. Now we are watering constantly hoping to have grass very soon!

Wish us luck! On another note hubs and I rarely ever went in the pool so we are totally fine with that aspect of it. Nor do we miss the expense and maintenance of it but surely will miss our family and friends that gathered here.

Now lets talk about a ……….

Unique gift idea for someone getting up in age!

Last week my aunt who is also my God-mother was celebrating her 92nd birthday. Can you imagine 92, how cool is that. She is my aunt June and she is my moms oldest sister.

I really wanted to get her something but at that age what do you really need? I would imagine not a whole lot. So I was thinking of the year she would have been born and the history got the best of me one night. I thought it would be cool to put together a whole bunch of interesting history facts from the year she was born.

Through many days of research I was fascinated with all that I found and put together this little gift. I designed it and then printed it on some more vintage paper and stuck it in this frame.

So there ya go. If you ever need something for someone that is hard to buy for and yet was born “back in the day” this would make a very unique gift.

Then here is a close up so you can read it better. I mean seriously, a gallon of gas was just 23 cents, and a loaf of bread 9 cents! Geez that is awesome. Just think in 92 years what prices will be like compared to now. lol.

A few more close ups in case you want to read everything taken from my design worksheet.

Even though this post may not have applied to everyone, I hope at least some of you it was helpful that wondered about a swimming pool. By all means know up front the work and expense involved but clearly that was the last of our worries because the positives far exceeded the negatives. So far I don’t miss it but the summer has just begun!

Yes, I know some of you are still waiting to get inside that blue gazebo you see in a few of the photos. While hubs was doing the yard last weekend I was inside the gazebo redecorating it and making final touches to it. I am so happy with how it turned out and will share with you all very soon.

Enjoy your Wednesday my friends.

PS. remember to sign up to my newsletter so you never miss a thing and to receive my free printable! Click here! 


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Janean

    Great post. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Tammy

      oh thank you Janean, I am glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Donna

    Very informative! I miss having a pool for all the reasons you mentioned. My husband is glad it’s gone for all the reasons mentioned😂. Thanks! Love the gift idea!

    1. Tammy

      So glad Donna you enjoyed it. Certainly is bittersweet this year but once that grass is in I am sure I will get over what was once there! lol.

  3. Dan E

    Wow! Such a nice idea for a beautiful pool. Thanks for sharing this. Been planning to build one and now I have an idea which my kids will definitely love it.

    1. Tammy

      Thank you! It will give them many years of enjoyment for sure.

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