Bathroom Makeover

Hello friends! How many of you also did projects during quarantine? Hubs and I kept busy and tackled many projects. But this bathroom makeover was really long overdue. This is a full bath that is right off of my office so I was super excited to give it a facelift. Because the tub and shower were never used in this…

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DIY Curtain Rods

Hello hello friends and happy August. Just crazy to think Christmas is just 142 days away. Like where did the year go hey?! Today I am sharing a couple of changes I made in two rooms of our home with some cute DIY curtain rods. For those of you that don't know I have window shades on all my windows.…

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Laundry Room Makeover

I finally was able to get a laundry room I absolutely love! All because my dryer just decided to stop working. This was back in March at the beginning of quarantine. So I went without a dryer for a few months and finally decided to get out shopping once things were opening up again. But this time I really wanted…

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Home Office Project

Hello Spring! Yup, we finally made it to spring but technically not until 4:58pm in our neck of the woods. Did y'all ever wonder if the snow would stop? I know it officially has not stopped yet but the end is near, right! But seriously, I love the 4 seasons we are blessed with here in Wisconsin. Some more than…

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DIY Bathtub Caddy or Planter

Just like that its Saturday already. Did you all have a great week? This week kinda kicked my butt. I had so much planned to do but then I also had so many appointments and other commitments I didn't get to everything that needed to be done. I am sure we all have weeks like that, right? Hubs was at…

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DIY Puck Light Trick

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Oooooohhhhh friends I am so excited to share this super easy and super fast DIY puck light trick for any wall light. Yup even if it is one that is wired for electricity and you don't want to go through that trouble. No fear I got you covered! My birthday was last month and I had asked for a farmhouse…

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Little Girls Room Idea

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Happy Valentines Day friends! How many of you celebrate Valentines Day? Hubs and I keep it pretty simple but we have been celebrating every year since we been married. We always get a little something for each other but that's all. I usually bake something special for him along with cooking dinner and this year I also bought him a…

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DIY Book Pages For Decor

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Okay, you all know how obsessed I am with antique looking books and using them in decor. If you remember back in this post here I shared how simple it is to make brand new books look like vintage books. I mean seriously they are just soooo old looking right? To think those were brand new books and they are…

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Decorating With Ladders

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Well friends I am thankful last week is over. Sorry I was a bit MIA but my poor family got a stomach flu and boy did it jump around. My 1 year old grandson started with it then his mom (my daughter) got it two days later and hours later her husband got it. My hubs had gone that day…

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Half Bath Makeover

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Howdy howdy friends! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and spent much time with family. Or did you work on projects and accomplished them all? Either way I hope it was great. Let me start off by saying I received some sad and shocking news on Friday evening. One of my kindest, sweetest client passed away just two…

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New Year Giveaway

Happy 2019 friends! I think 2018 was the fastest year of my life so far. I totally feel like I just got use to writing and saying 2018 and now its already over. Just like snap your fingers and zap it's gone! Overall though, it was such a good year in my business and family life. This new year might…

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Christmas Tour

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Hey friends, Christmas is in 5 days and I seriously am not ready nor can I believe it. Where has this month gone? So really for my Christmas gathering I only have 4 days because we celebrate Christmas Eve. Yup 4 days to get my shopping done, get all my baking done and get my gifts wrapped. Eeeeek! I hope…

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DIY Olive Tree Topiary

Here I am back at another DIY project. I am so crazy busy with work stuff but yet I have to find sometime for myself, right! So I am so excited to finally make something I have been wanting to try for awhile now and better yet I am going to teach you! I mean after all you're my favorite…

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Fall Decor Tour and Tips

Hello my friends! You have asked and I promised to deliver. So, today I am sharing how I brought simple touches of fall decor in my home.  I crave simplicity so my go to pieces for fall this year are mostly pumpkins. Also, some plaid and buffalo check patterns, wheat and other fall foliage and some cute signs here and…

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Fall Decor Inspo

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Hey friends fall decor is in full swing these days. So today I am popping on quick to share some great fall finds I came across last week. Along with some decorating tips for fall decor. I started decorating for fall last week which I explained in my last post. I keep it pretty simple with a few things here…

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Pine Cones

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Happy Friday! Hey friends I hope you had a fabulous week and look at that its Friday, already! Fall is here and I love the crisp fresh air it brings into the home. I still open my doors and windows each day because there is nothing better than the smell of that fresh air, right! We even sleep with our…

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DIY Buffalo Check Stand

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Sharing some love! First off I want to start by sharing this photo. It was submitted by one of my dear friends and follower who enjoyed creating her own vintage books from my tutorial found here. I am beyond excited so many of you have tried it and are enjoying my DIY's as well as other tips for decorating on…

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DIY Pumpkins

DIY Pumpkins! Good Morning friends. Today, I have a really simple and yet so cute DIY project for you just in time for pumpkin season! Last weekend I was at the Dollar Tree because you know me always decorating on a budget. I went to check out what they had for fall decor in hopes I could find something to…

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Simple change with just paint

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Hey buddies and happy September! Seriously, it is almost fall and as much as I love fall and wearing boots, plaid shirts, sweaters and cute layers I am not ready to give up summer. It just went by so fast. But I guess I can't stop it and better start thinking about fall decor. I hope you all had a…

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DIY Vintage Books

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DIY Vintage Books Happpppppy hump day my friends! I hope your week is going well and just think you are half way there. You can do it! Today I’m sharing a super simple DIY tutorial for creating vintage books to decorate with in your home. Yes, you can find some old vintage books at antique shops and on ebay and…

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Photo Gallery Wall

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Wow what a week! Howdy buddies! How was your week? I bet many of you had kiddos that went back to school this week or next week. That sure is an exciting time for them. (and you, lol) I was exceptionally busy this week making back to school chalkboards for the little ones first day of school. I had ever…

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